• Course Description

  • Math 7

    Students in a Math 7 class progress at a pace that provides appropriate opportunities for repeated practice and reinforcement of skills and concepts. Students in this class have an option for their assessments. Students in this class also have an option to complete the Enrichment Packet (which is required and graded in the Enriched class). This Challenge by Choice program allows students to choose an assessment/assignments that most meets their educational needs. When a student chooses Green Circle or Black Diamond, it will be noted in the portal. The Challenge by Choice has three levels:

    • Green Circle: This level of assessment provides the most support on a given assignment.
    • Blue Square: This level of assessment is the grade-level assignment. **Blue square will not be noted in the portal since it meets the grade level expectation.
    • Black Diamond: This level assessment is the challenge level. These assessments will truly challenge you to use the skills that have been taught, but are doable for any given student. All students are encouraged to try black diamond assessments. A student in Math 7 who wants to place into our Enriched Level class should take these assessments.

    Enriched Math 7

    Students in an Enriched Math 7 class progress at a pace which provides a range of higher-challenge opportunities in addition to the same core skills and concepts taught in Math 7. Students in this class must take the Black Diamond Assessments and complete the required Chapter Enrichment Packets.

    Accelerated Math 7.8

    Accelerated Math 7.8 will cover all of the same mathematical topics taught in Enriched Math 7. In addition, students will be exposed to selected chapters of 8th grade Math in Focus. This class is designed to meet the needs of our highest performing math students through an accelerated pace, a range of higher challenge opportunities and an in-depth study of the core concepts. Students in this class must take the Accelerated Assessments and complete the required Chapter Enrichment Packets.