• Welcome to the 7th Grade Math Resource Page!

  • The curriculum for seventh grade Math is the U.S. edition of the top-rated Singapore math program, Math in Focus, which follows a pedagogical framework that includes emphasizing concept mastery, a concrete-topictorial-to abstract approach, metacognitive reasoning and the use of model drawing to solve and justify problems. Math in Focus is a mastery program aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that focuses on the following ideals in order to promote student success: a focused and coherent syllabus which allows fewer topics in each grade taught to greater depth; a visual and balanced approach that follows the concrete-to-pictorialto-abstract progression; a focus on numbers and operations throughout the series which ensures that students develop and maintain a strong number sense; an emphasis on problem solving using model-drawing which utilizes strategies for solving routine and non-routine problems; and the recognition of the importance of attitudes and the ability to self-monitor while problem solving to achieve success in math.

    Math in Focus provides students with the tools they need to break down complex concepts and problems, which in turn develops positive attitudes. Middle school students have been placed into Math 7, Enriched Math 7 or Accelerated Math 7/8. Math 7 and Enriched Math 7 cover the same 7th grade mathematical topics while offering students opportunities to apply and extend their thinking throughout the year.


    Please contact Co-Department Chairs with any questions!

    Cheryl Atkinson (catkinson@wssd.org) or Lynn Bowers(lbowers@wssd.org)